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Main: 951-281-3400 Fax: 951-281-3401


HospicePro DME understands the urgent needs of your patients and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. HospicePro DME stocks an extensive line of durable medical equipment and supplies that include respiratory, home medical, and mobility equipment. Customer service and patient satisfaction is our top priority. Our trained top-notch staff will provide the equipment, proper setup, and training for families and facilities and save hospices thousand of dollars, with lower contract rates and equipment cost.

HospicePro DME is capable of accepting orders via phone, fax, email, and secure HIPAA compliant text. Deliveries are available for same-day, next day, or STAT. Equipment is routinely cleaned and sanitized and calibrated for accuracy and functionality. We provide simple and customized contracts to suit any sized agency and a professional customer service representative is always available to help with billing, equipment issues, trouble-shooting, or prompt pick up.

Got Questions?

Please contact us if you have further questions and concerns about our products and services. Our staff is here to assist you.